One of my favourite desserts from my childhood is bread & butter pudding. It was one of the dishes my nan made on a regular basis. We have done a bread & butter pudding recipe before, see here, but this one is a little different. There’s only a quarter of the amount of sugar, but this one contains cream. The ‘with custard’ is the way it was described to me as you make a sauce to pour over it that tastes a little like confectioners custard.
25g/1oz butter plus extra for greasing
8-10 thin slices bread
50g/2oz sultanas
2 tsp cinnamon powder
330ml/12fl oz whole milk
60ml/2fl oz double cream
2 eggs
25g/1oz granulated sugar
- Grease a 1 litre (2 pint) pie dish with butter.
- Cut the crusts off the bread & butter one side, then cut into triangles.
- Place a layer of bread, buttered-side up, in the bottom of the dish, then add some sultanas & cover with a little cinnamon, then repeat the layers of bread and sultanas & cinnamon, until you have used up all of the bread. Finish with a layer of bread, then set aside, I got 3 layers out of 9 slices of bread.
- Warm the milk & cream in a pan over a low heat take it off the heat before it starts to boil.
- Crack the eggs into a bowl, add around 20g of the sugar and lightly whisk until pale. Next add the warm milk & cream mixture & stir well, then strain the custard into a bowl.
- Pour the custard over the bread layers & sprinkle with nutmeg & the remaining sugar. Leave until the custard mixtures has soaked into the bread, around 30 minutes should be enough. The preheat the oven to Gas Mark 4 or 180C/355F
- Place the dish into the oven and bake for 30-40 minutes, or until the custard has set & the top is golden-brown.