Bread & Butter Pudding

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Something that I’ve baked before is the Bread & Butter pudding, I made it mostly by myself with some help buttering from my Nan, its and old English recipe but its quite nice and simple. My Nan and Grandad really liked it but I haven’t gotten the chance since then ?! Here I’ll tell you the ingredients and how to make it.:

This is a picture of what mine looked like 🙂

You will need:

*100g of sugar

*1 tsp of ground cinnamon

*As many slices of bread, cut in half like a triangle, that will fit in the dish

*Butter, enough to thoroughly butter the bread

*3 handfuls of either mixed dried fruit or just sultanas

*500ml milk (seems like a lot but trust me)

* 2 eggs


And now for the method:

1. Preheat the oven to gas mark 5/190*C  and grease the baking thingy lightly

2. Mix together the sugar, cinnamon and fruit

3. Butter the bread and then layer it. don’t do what I did, cut into triangles AFTER you butter it.

4.After each layer sprinkle over the fruit and sugar mix. Make sure every slice is covered

5.Mix the eggs and milk together and whisk.

6.Pour over the bread and leave to soak for 10 mins.

7.Bake for about 40 mins or until lightly brown.

8. And there you go!! ENJOY ?!!

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