Made this twice before, don’t know why I didnt do a recipe on it. This is a better version of the previous cakes though so its alright. I dont know why people are so put off by carrot cake, its the best thing ever, do people really see “carrot” and “cake” and recoil? Carrots are so sweet when cooked, I dont get why its disliked. But that’s alright, people can be wrong, no ones perfect.

You’ll need:
- 300ml Vegetable oil
- 300g Caster sugar
- 50g Brown sugar
- 4 Eggs
- 3tsp Vanilla extract
- 250g Self raising flour
- 2tsp Baking powder
- 3tsp Cinnamon
- 1tsp Mixed spice (cloves, nutmeg, ginger and stuff)
- 350g Grated carrots
- 100g Chopped walnuts/ pecans (pecans are better)
- 135g Room temp butter
- 300g Icing sugar
- 3tbsp Milk
- 3tsp Vanilla extract
- In a large bowl, beat together the oil, sugars, egg, and vanilla extract.
- In a separate bowl mix the dry ingredients together, tip into the large bowl and mix it all together well. Add the carrots and walnuts/pecans and mix thoroughly. I dont really like adding nuts to cakes but it works really well in this.
- Preheat oven to gas mark 4/180*C/350*F, prepare whatever cake tins your using with grease proof paper in the bottom and butter the sides. Divide the mixture between the cake tins and bake for about 25-30 minutes depending on tin sizes, an inserted skewer should come out with something like a sticky crumb on it but not anywhere near liquid.
- With a hand held electric mixer, beat the butter in a tall-ish bowl until soft, add half the icing sugar and a tbsp or two of milk, mix untill well combined, add the rest of the sugar and milk along with the vanilla, beat for a while until pale and lump free. once the cakes are completely cooked, cold even, decorate however you want. The carrots you can see on top, are really small pieces of carrots that i fried in butter and sugar, they’re alright, but look a bit daft.