Super easy, super nice, super duper. Not super enough for my sister though, apparently. She wasted hers. This crumble was bigger than the others that I’ve done, but I think I made too much crumble, as its a bit soft underneath, still tastes really good tho. So I don’t care much. You can add a couple more normal apples in the place of 1 cooking apple (as long it weighs a similar amount), if you don’t want to use as much sugar. Definitely don’t replace more than 1 though. Serve with custard/icecream/whipped cream/whatever you want. I like it on its own though.
You need:
For the filling:
- 3 Cooking apples, peeled, cored, and cut into medium cubes (at least 650g after peeling and coring)
- 1-2 Normal apples, peeled, cored and cut into bigger cubes (>150g afterwards)
- 2tbsp Lemon juice
- 2tsp Cinnamon
- 75g Demerara sugar
- 75g Soft brown sugar
- 150g Plain flour
- 100g Caster sugar
- 100g Cold butter
- 30g Almonds (optional)
1. Put all the apple in a large bowl, and add the rest of the ingredients, mix well. Taste it and see if it needs more sugar or lemon.
2. Mix the flour and sugar together in a different bowl, and rub in the bitter until its mostly breadcrumbs with some bigger lumps of butter. Preheat oven to gas mark 5/190*C/375*F. Grease a casserole dish with a good amount of butter.
3. Tip the apple into the dish, and spread evenly, keeping the juice in the bowl for a minutes, pour the bit of juice evenly over the apples. Grab the crumble mixture a handful at a time, don’t squish it though, and sprinkle evenly over the apples, making sure to get in to corners. Use all the crumble even if it looks like too much. Sprinkle the almonds over the crumble if using.
4. Bake in the oven for about 35 minutes or until the top is browning and crispy. Bam. Easy.
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