I wanted to make this FODMAP friendly for my Nanny, so I used my Flour-less Cake recipe instead of a brownie base. HHUUUUGE mistake. This was unfortunate because the cream cheese was soooo nice, before all of the messing about. See, the base didn’t set so we kept cooking it, so the cheese lost a of of it’s “niceness”, we cooked it for about an hour more than we needed to because we were trying to get the base to cook. I’m going to try it again with my brownie recipe instead.
You will need:
- This brownie recipe, just dont use marshmallows -> Marshmallow Brownies
- 230g Soft cheese (e.g: Philadelphia)
- 4tbsp Caster sugar
- 1 Egg, beaten
- 2tsp vanilla extract and/or 2tbsp Baileys
1. Prepare the brownie recipe as instructed, pour into a grease-proof paper lined deep brownie dish, SAVE A BIT and put to one side. Preheat oven to gas mark 4/ 180*C/ 350*F. But don’t bake yet.
2. Using an electric mixture (or by hand, I suppose), mix together the cheese and sugar until smooth, add the rest and mix well.
3. Spoon the cheese onto the brownie batter, be relatively careful. Once all the mixture is on top of the brownie mixture, drizzle the remaining brownie mixture on top of the cheese, take a cocktail stick and swirl it round a bit. Bake for 25 minutes or until to brownie base is cooked. I’d chill it for a little bit, so that the cheese firms up a little. Done!