This is a mix of 2 recipes I found, one that i’ve already done and another that I haven’t, very descriptive, I know. Its sweet and savoury at the same time, which works out for me as I can get away with making something that’s technically not sweet. It’s a good recipe, everyone liked it.
You’ll need:
- 5 Pieces of bacon, cooked, broke into smallish chunks
- 75g~ Sweet corn, cooked and cooled (I didn’t measure the sweetcorn either times making this, but the second time I put too much in)
- 180g Fine cornflour
- 120g Plain flour
- 100g Granulated sugar
- 1tsp Baking powder
- 1/2tsp salt
- 250ml Milk
- 55g Melted butter
- 1tbsp Maple syrup
- 1 Egg
1. Mix together the cornflour, flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. Pre heat oven to gas mark 6/200*C/400*F. Line a medium-smallish brownie tray with grease proof paper.
2. In a jug, beat together the milk, syrup, egg. Make a well in the flour mixture and pour the milk mixture in, along with the butter. The butter will clump up very fast, but that’s fine. Quickly mix everything together slightly, add in the bacon and sweetcorn, mix until everything is combined but still very lumpy.
3. Pour the mixture into the tin, and bake for about 25 minutes or until a inserted skewer comes out clean, try not the brown it too much. Bam you done.