Started august off with a doozy. We found Robert Allen’s Twitter page & saw he has a ‘competition’ called ‘#TwitterBakeAlong’,. Anyway, we thought we’d give the weekly bake alongs a try, this weeks was the Manchester Tart. I’m not the biggest fan of custard, and there was a LOT of custard. One thing that I do like about it is that the Raspberry jam works well with the custard and bananas, making it much more edible for me. It’s not a difficult recipe, unless you’re me, in which case you’re lying, there can be only one.

You will need:
- 1 lot of sweet shortcrust pastry, recipe here -> Sweet Shortcrust Pastry
- 3/4 Litre of milk
- 80g Granulated Sugar
- 4tbsp Custard powder
- 3tbsp Raspberry jam
- 2 Bananas, sliced thinly
- 2tbsp Desiccated coconut…. or 2 packs of coconut covered marshmallow things + 15 minutes of rubbing the coconut off because you’re local shops are too incompetent to have the actual coconut… Ahem… which I did NOT have to do…
1. Roll out the pastry to about 1/4 inch thick. Fold it over your rolling pin and lay over a flan dish (I would say loose-bottomed.. but I wont ever use that thing again). Gently press it into the dish, blind bake at Gas mark 4/180*C/ 350*F for 10 minutes, and then normally for another 15.
2. Take the pastry out of the oven to cool before starting the custard, otherwise you will end up with a lumpy mess as I found out the hard way. Anyway, mix the custard powder and the sugar together, add a couple tbsp’s of the milk and mix. Heat the rest of milk up in a non-stick for a minute then pour the hot milk into the bowl with the custard powder mix, give it a good mix and pour the whole thing back into the pan. Stir constantly on a medium-low heat until it thickens to the point that the spoon (or whatever you use) leaves peaks that last a second before going down. Leave to cool slightly.
3. If the pastry in cool enough, spread the jam evenly on the base, then make a layer of the bananas. Pour the custard into the case and even it out if needed. Lastly, sprinkle the coconut all over the top. Put it in the fridge (once the custard is cool) for about 2 hours so the custard can set. Done :).