I did these for Samhain they are very easy to do and very fun too I made a few plain ones for grandad because he dislikes raisins but over all I think they are very nice

- 170 g butter
- 170g castor sugar
- 3 egg yolks
- 1tsp mixed spice
- 550g plain flour
- 50g raisins
- Cream butter and sugar until fluffy
- add the egg yolks one at a time while mixing
- mix in the mixed spice
- mix the flour and raisins into the mix to form a soft dough
- use milk if necessary to help form the dough
- put some flour on a worksurface
- divide the dough into two parts and set half aside
- roll to half an inch thick
- cut into circles and mark each with an X
- put on a greased baking tray sprinkle with sugar and put in the oven at gas 4 (350f) and bake for 15 – 20 minutes until golden brown