Today I made brownies. We found a recipe online for Banana Chocolate Chip Blondie Bars which sounded interesting. We decided to change the recipe a little.
- 90g chocolate chip (we just used a bar of chocolate as we had no chocolate chips)
- 128g plain flour
- 200g light brown sugar
- 115g melted butter
- 1 egg
- a large banana, mashed
- 1 tablespoon of vanilla
- half a teaspoon of cinnamon
How To Make:

First pre heat the oven to gas mark 4 (350f), next put the melted butter and brown sugar in a bowel and mix until combined, then ad the egg and the vanilla and mix until incorporated. Ad the flour and mix well, then mix in the mashed banana and the chocolate.
line a 8×8 tin with grease proof paper and pour the mix in cook for 25 minutes until gooey (I left mine in a bit to long so they weren’t gooey) let the brownies stand for 10 minutes then enjoy