I have been making my own burghers now for a number of years, the main reasons being that they are tastier, and also the fact that I have control over what goes in them i.e. decent quality meat, not to mention the satisfaction it gives when everyone comments how nice they are. After all who doesn’t like to be complemented? But up till now I have always shaped them by hand, with the result that more often than not they would wind up being different sizes and shapes, with the result that one or other of the kids would complain that theirs was smaller than everyone else’s, also being irregular in thickness they wouldn’t always cook evenly when on the grill.
So I was made up when I discovered this little burgher press, I wasn’t aware that anything like this existed, or I would have bought one years ago, it really is a cracking little implement to have around the kitchen. Firstly it’s a well- made solid little piece of kit, which should give years of service, and secondly it’s easy to use and gives great results, just cut a piece of grease proof paper to go in the bottom and another for the top so nothing sticks, put in your meat mixture and press down firmly, then turn out your nice round evenly thicknessed burger.

Incidentally if you fill the mould to the top, the resultant burgher comes out at a quarter pound, found that out when my granddaughter weighed one out of curiosity.
I was asked to review this item and I am really pleased with the results we got with it. Having now tried one of these I wouldn’t be without it now.