About a week ago I did a post on garlic croutons that I did for my Grandads Chicken and Veggie broth that he had a go at making. So I’ve had a go at this time with Grandads help. There are NO exact measurements so I’ll do my best to give the recipe. This is an easy recipe, but does include lots of boiling water!!!
You will need:
- 6 Spring onions cut off at where the first leaf starts
- A small swede diced
- The same amount of chopped carrots and peas as swede
- 3 Whole chicken breasts
- 3 Sticks of celery chopped thinly
- 1 leek chopped thinly
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 3 Chicken stock cubed broken into a powder
- 150g Sweet corn
1. Fill a large stock pot to about half full up with water and plop in the chicken breasts
2. Add the swede, carrots, sweet corn and peas. Add the Leek, celery and spring onions after that.
3. Add the powdered stock cube and salt & pepper and give it a quick stir.
4. Put it on a high heat until boiling then allow to simmer for about an hour until every things tender.
5. After about an hour carefully take out the chicken breast and gently break up until stringy (note: If you like large chunks of meat then break up as small or big as you want). Put the chicken back into the soup, give it a quick mix and serve!!

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